
Plant How to care for me
Monstera These beauties like a well-lit indoor space with indirect sunlight. They love a humid space but are pretty care free. Water them once a week or when the soil looks thirsty. Giving the leaves a little polish sometimes lets their pores breath and soak up that little extra moisture.
Snake Plant As this cheeky thing is related to succulents it does not require much sunlight or water. All vine boy plants have great drainage so no need to fret as this one does not like its soil too wet. Watering once every two weeks or even once a month in winter.
Devil's Ivy To look after this legend best water it once a week. The soil should never be overly wet and let the surface dry out completely before watering it again. It really likes a bright room and the lighter the leaves the more sunlight it needs. If you give it some yummy plant food once a month it will be weaving its way around your home in no time.
Cactus It is a cactus...they live in deserts. Clearly they do not need much water at all. This prickly little thing loves anything from bright direct sunlight to indirect sunlight. We suggest not getting to close to this little one as those prickles sure can hurt.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Loving bright indirect sunlight the fiddle leaf fig be growing big and tall. Watering this bold plant once a week should cut it- just be sure to keep its soil moist as it loves a drink. A wipe down of its leaves every so often with a damp cloth will keep it looking dashing day in a day out.
Alocasia Zebrina This unique beauty is pretty low maintenance and only requires indirect sunlight and a water when the soil feels dry. Pretty simple huh?
Bird of Paradise To keep this bird happy give it a drink regularly but wait for the top few centimetres of soil to dry out first. It does not like to be overwatered. It flourishes in a sunny, bright and well-lit spot- makes sense, it's a tropical plant.
Ctenanthe Grey Star This handsome looking thing is also pretty tough. Only requiring watering when the top few centimetres of soil is dry. It can deal with bright to low indirect light. What a dream!
Alocasia Cucullata This clever little thing tells you when it has had enough to drink- you will see small water droplets appear on its leaves, an ingenious way to get rid of excess water. Water this beauty moderately, make the soil damp, not wet. Like the legend Mariah Carey this plant has a preferred water temperature-room temperature water only darling.
Asplenium Nidus Crispy Wave Not much light? No worries. This cute thing can tolerate shady places and hates direct sunlight. Put it somewhere that gets moderate light and keep it's soil damp (not wet) and it is the plant that just keeps on giving.
Philodendron Cordatum Easy to care for? Tick. Low maintenance? Tick. Can it tolerate low light? Tick. Water this guy when the top layer of soil feels dry.
Peperomia Polybotrya The gold digger likes bright indirect light and only needs to be watered when the top layer of soil feels dry.
Peperomia Obtusifolia Lemon Lime This easy to care for stunner likes bright indirect light and only needs water when the top layer of soil is dry. Easy peasy lemon-lime squeezy.
Ficus Elastica Sophia This tough and hardy plant loves bright, direct sunlight and it is not much of a big drinker. They like their soil a little moist with lukewarm water whenever it the soil feels like it is getting a tad dry. They love moist, humid environments, so try to keep them in a warm draft-less spot so they do not catch a chill.
Ficus Elastica Burgundy This tough and hardy plant loves bright, direct sunlight and it is not much of a big drinker. They like their soil a little moist with lukewarm water whenever it the soil feels like it is getting a tad dry. They love moist, humid environments, so try to keep them in a warm draft-less spot so they do not catch a chill.
Asplenium Australasicum The birds nest fern is slow growing, its soil needs to be kept moist and not wet. If you find a moderatly humid area, it will love you for it.
Calathea Humilior This one love a regular mist. Keep its soil moist and not dry. Can tolerate filtered light so would be a cute little bathroom plant!
Pilea Cadierei These easy growing plants are best in temperatures between 16 and 25 degrees. Bright indirect light, and moderate water to keep the soil moist in warmer months is preferred. In colder months you can allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again.
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Allow this one to completely dry out between waterings and it loves a bright or well-lit room. Also loving a humid environment it won't say no to a little mist a few times a week between watering.
Tradescantia silver Leave this one in a warm spot indoors with bright natural light. Be sure to avoid harsh direct sunlight or the foliage may burn - ouch. Give a big drink only when the soil has dried out.
Epipremnum pinnatum Lots of indirect light for this guy. Water it when top couple of cms of soil are dry. Water it less in the cooler months to replicate the dry season.
Phlebodium Blue Star Love, love, loves a warm to humid well-lit spot away from direct sunlight, such as bathrooms where there is usually less light and lots of humidity. Keep the soil moist with a good spritz and do not allow the soil to dry out.
Cycas Revoluta The cycas revoluta grows best with bright light, without direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist, so water once the soil begins to dry slightly at the top. Over watering or watering at the crown of the plant can cause the plant to rot- thanks! Also watch out for the little spikes- they look fun but ouch!
Zanzibar Gem Bright to medium light for this gem. Give it a good drink once a week but keep in mind the clever little thing stores water in its bulbous roots so err on the side of under-watering.